Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ted from Port St. Joseph

Ted runs a local Radio Shack store. As I was browsing the store, I heard music in the background that sounded like Third Day. It was.

That, plus the Praise God plaque that appeared on the outside of the brick building led me to think this may be my next interiew. It didn't take long.

As we talked about the declining economy for a few minutes, Ted said his primary interest was as pastor of a local Methodist church where he has been for over 10 years. I soon learned that he was a true believer. Coincidentally he knows the seniors pastor at Brownsville who was also a Methodist minister.

Ted's story of conversion began simply by reading Hal Lindsey's book The Late Great Planet Earth. It was given to him by a Jehovah's Witness person who didn't agree with what it said. Reading this book gave him a thirst for more about God.

I was not able to get a lot of the details but suffice it to say, Ted is a strong force for God in this community.

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