Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Other Side of the Coin

Just because someone may be first in their generation to come to a saving knowledge of Christ doesn't necessarily mean their children will do so. But it does provide an environment for children that is compelling. The nurturing and guidance that comes from a home environment where both mom and dad are serving the Lord is a powerful influence. Most children, and sometimes brothers and sisters and parents are influenced through the life of one person.

But the other side of the coin is that second and following generations can fall away. We are provided and example of this in the Old Testament. David had a true heart for God. Solomon, his son, prayed too, but not as passionately. He was into building stuff and furnishing it. Then, Rehoboam, Solomon's son, had only a distant reverence for God. And God let his enemies plunder the empire. So even being brought up in a Christian home, it is important for children to make knowing and loving God their own experience.

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